

this month has been downright difficult. usually january is my month of lofty resolutions and hot chocolates and breaking my resolutions and sleeping in, but that has not been the case. i don't think i've even had a chance to think about any resolutions. i read this quote today and it helped me to think about the space between my grandmother and i in a different way. she had a stroke this past weekend and is not doing well. i feel guilty for not being closer, not being at her bedside, but my family wants me to stay in dc. all weekend i sat in yoga and tried to send her as much love as i possibly can. i wish i could be there.

this has been a really tough month for my family. i think we're calling mercy.

"the way we define and delimit the self is arbitrary. we can place it between our ears and have it looking out from our eyes, or we can widen it to include the air we breathe, or at other moments we can cast its boundaries farther to include the oxygen-giving trees and plankton, our external lungs, and beyond them the web of life in which they are sustained."

joanna macy

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