

/daydreaming about painting my walls and having friends over for big dinners/looking forward to laughing with my parents over dinner/big ideas/curling up on lindsay's couch with a glass of wine and laughing over celebrity gossip/feeling the quietness of winter all around me/loving that my hand is so little in said's/long walks/dancing like a wild woman at marvin's with my girlfriends/feeling so unbelievably grateful and hopeful and full of love/anticipating my brother and kosi's arms around me/lying in the bathtub with a mug of hot chocolate and a glass of wine at my side (i have no qualms with spoiling myself)/backbending/

today my friend john said, "we are finally getting older" and i do feel that way. we're beginning to build our lives and it feels beautiful.

we cannot destroy kindred: our chains stretch a little sometimes, but they never break. marquise de sévigné