

a few of my girlfriends and i were sitting cross-legged in the courtyard earlier eating lunch when two lincolns pulled up in front of us. yes, this is national geographic but i can guarantee you that nobody (well, maybe a couple of people) has drivers to bring them to work. all of these fancy shmancy artsy guys in pinstripe suits got out. we were wondering who they were when my friend jessie figured it out. the lead singer from blur and a few of his cohorts. so weird.

i digress.

i had a wonderful weekend at about 100 miles per hour. my friends marie and john came to visit from the mississippi delta. bonkosi and joe from iowa city. from the moment they arrived we were all over the city - pints at polly's cafe, running around saint-ex, a very long walk to dos gringos in mt. pleasant, new plates at a thrift shop, an indian veggie dinner... it reminded me so much of spring in iowa city - the weather has been unbelievably gorgeous. perfect for running, biking, walking. marie and i were finally able to talk and hug and laugh in person..


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